
  1. 1. Green = ignorance/innocence as in “a green horn” (Tips, News, Action suggestions)
    1. 2. Green =  ecology  (Climate Crises War)
      1. 3. Green = Money (Provide Grants)

Our Mission

We are a small family foundation. Our purpose is two-fold. Firstly, we try to assist in the fight against climate change. Secondly, we provide funding to 501(c)3 non-profits for upcoming projects that assist in this fight by upgrading, installing, adding, etc. anything that is more energy efficient, water conservative, “footprint” reducing etc. These projects must also end up saving the organization money – reduced utility bills is just one example – so that there will be additional funds available to pursue their missions. For example, a recent award went to a college that is spending the grant money on replacing some of its exterior HID bulbs with LED lighting which will provide a savings of almost $3,000.00 per year in their electric bill.